Atención de partería posparto
The KAZ Project seeks to reduce the isolation and singular focus that comes with parenting. We uplift parents through education, midwifery care, community and support. We work with families to empower, educate and uplift while providing care to support healing and wellbeing in the early stages of the parenting journey and beyond.
What is Postpartum Midwifery Care? Postpartum Midwifery Care includes the following services: - Prenatal evaluation of postpartum needs and planning. - Screening for postpartum mood disorders including postpartum depression - Appraisal of postpartum bleeding - Assessment of infant feeding including: - Weight checks of the infant to insure adequate intake - Evaluation of nursing technique - Troubleshooting nursing issues - Support for breastfeeding, chest feeding, bottle feeding or mixed methods - Inspection of perineal, vulvar and/or vaginal healing after birth - Exam of cesarean incision healing - Appropriate treatment or referral for abnormal healing - Re-suture of dehisced vulvar wound - Administration or prescription of medications as needed - In-home lab draw - Support for family involvement in the postpartum period - On-going support for 1st year postpartum through support groups and community - On-line resources and referral network to support families in the postpartum
Paquetes de atención posparto
La atención de partería posparto puede comenzar en cualquier momento durante el primer año después del nacimiento.
Para un soporte óptimo, recomendamos comenzar dentro de las primeras 2 semanas posparto.
Creemos que las familias deberían poder quedarse en la comodidad de su propio hogar y no tener que salir para recibir atención de rutina, por lo que acudimos a usted.
A continuación, se incluye una muestra de los paquetes que ofrecemos. Antes de inscribirse para recibir atención, lo invitamos a una consulta inicial en línea de 30 minutos con Serena Saeed-Winn, mamá, CNM, IBCLC._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Full Moon Package
2 Prenatal Visits
Free entry into the Postpartum Prep, Infant Care and Infant CPR Workshop ($333 value)
6 Postpartum Visits
Postpartum closing ceremony
Free entry into the New Parent’s Group ($350 value)
Text, call or email for 1 year postpartum
Full Moon Package Details Ease into parenthood with the full postpartum package. Each client’s services will be holistically tailored to fit their personal needs. How it works! Read below for a description of what postpartum care looks like at the KAZ Project Access by text, email or phone for 7 weeks after visits. 2 prenatal meetings: * 1st Meeting: In clinic visit Review medical, family and social history * Discuss details of postpartum support desired and offered * Evaluation of client’s constitution and overall health including physical exam and detailed review of general health * Creation of detailed recommendations customized for the client to optimize health and healing in pregnancy and the postpartum 2nd Meeting: In home visit * In home evaluation of supplies and living set up * Recommendations for setting up furniture and supplies to create a workable environment after baby is here Instruction and practice on hand expression and colostrum collection *Nipple measurement and pump flange fitting *Pump set up and tutorial * Practice nursing positions with a doll (provided) in different places in your home with a support person * Will bring sitz bath herb kit and show your support person how to make it * 50% off of the Preparing for the Postpartum, Infant Care, Lactation and Infant CPR Workshop or Private Class Postpartum * Free entry into the New Parent’s Group ($350 value) 4-6 Postpartum Visits Each visit include the following * Screening for postpartum mood disorders including postpartum depression and anxiety * Assessment of infant feeding including: - Infant weight gain and evaluation - Infant exam Evaluation of postpartum healing including: - Uterine position - Assessment of bleeding - Abdominal muscle healing - Lymphatic flow - Blood pressure and other vital signs - Discussion around bowel and bladder health - Evaluation of the integrity of stitches and laceration/incision healing - Assessment of hemorrhoids or edema Support for breastfeeding, chest feeding, bottle feeding or mixed methods Holistic treatments will be integrated as needed including: - Belly binding - Sitz bath preparation - Yoni steams - Nutrition counseling based on client needs and constitution - Lymphatic movement techniques - Therapeutic Breast Massage - Oil massage as indicated - Evaluation of healing needs from an Elemental Medicine lens Cost: $ 3,500 Please note that I offer sliding scale, trades and packages can tailored to meet your needs
Waxing Moon Package
1 Prenatal Visits
50% off cost of the Postpartum Prep, Infant Care and Infant CPR Workshop ($166.50 value)
4 Postpartum Visits
Free entry into the New Parent’s Group ($350 value)
Text, call or email for 1 year postpartum
Waxing Moon Package Details Each client’s services will be holistically tailored to fit their personal needs. How it works! Read below for a description of what postpartum care looks like at the KAZ Project - Access by text, email or phone for 7 weeks after visits. - 2 prenatal meetings: 1st Meeting: In clinic visit Review medical, family and social history * Discuss details of postpartum support desired and offered * Evaluation of client’s constitution and overall health including physical exam and detailed review of general health * Creation of detailed recommendations customized for the client to optimize health and healing in pregnancy and the postpartum 2nd Meeting: In home visit * In home evaluation of supplies and living set up * Recommendations for setting up furniture and supplies to create a workable environment after baby is here Instruction and practice on hand expression and colostrum collection *Nipple measurement and pump flange fitting *Pump set up and tutorial * Practice nursing positions with a doll (provided) in different places in your home with a support person * Will bring sitz bath herb kit and show your support person how to make it * 50% off of the Preparing for the Postpartum, Infant Care, Lactation and Infant CPR Workshop or Private Class Postpartum * Free entry into the New Parent’s Group ($350 value) 4-6 Postpartum Visits Each visit include the following * Screening for postpartum mood disorders including postpartum depression and anxiety * Assessment of infant feeding including: - Infant weight gain and evaluation - Infant exam Evaluation of postpartum healing including: - Uterine position - Assessment of bleeding - Abdominal muscle healing - Lymphatic flow - Blood pressure and other vital signs - Discussion around bowel and bladder health - Evaluation of the integrity of stitches and laceration/incision healing - Assessment of hemorrhoids or edema Support for breastfeeding, chest feeding, bottle feeding or mixed methods Holistic treatments will be integrated as needed including: - Nutrition counseling based on client needs and constitution - Lymphatic movement techniques - Therapeutic Breast Massage - Oil massage as indicated - Evaluation of healing needs from an Elemental Medicine lens Cost: $ 2,220 Please note that I offer sliding scale, trades and packages can tailored to meet your needs
Waning Moon Package
2 In home visits
Waning Moon Package Details: 2 In Home Visits: - Anytime in the first year postpartum Access by text, email or phone for 7 weeks after visits. Service Includes: - Screening for postpartum mood disorders including postpartum depression - Appraisal of postpartum bleeding - Assessment of infant feeding including: -- Weight checks of the infant to insure adequate intake -- Evaluation of nursing technique -- Troubleshooting nursing issues -- Support for breastfeeding, chest feeding, bottle feeding or mixed methods -- Inspection of perineal, vulvar and/or vaginal healing after birth -- Exam of cesarean incision site -- Evaluation of abdominal muscle and pelvic floor integrity -- Appropriate treatment or referral for abnormal healing -- Re-suture of dehisced vulvar wound -- Administration or prescription of medications as needed -- Support of family/friend involvement in the postpartum period -- On-line resources and referral network to support families in the postpartum Waning Moon Cost: $ 650
Nota: Escala móvil y/o comercio disponible-Contáctenospara consultar.
Postpartum | pōstˈpärdəm
Postpartum is defined as the time immediately after childbirth. At the KAZ Project we believe that it is so much more than this. It is a time of transition, growth, hard work, pause and exploration. The time after birth is a time for gathering of community and support to usher new parents into their new life.

Servicios de lactancia
Todas las consultas de lactancia incluyen 2 visitas a domicilio y acceso al consultor de lactancia durante 3 semanas. Si se necesita más evaluación y apoyo, los clientes pueden comprar visitas a la carta como complemento a las visitas iniciales .
Evaluación inicial:
1-2 horas en evaluación domiciliaria
Evaluación de la alimentación infantil que incluye:
Controles de peso del bebé para asegurar una ingesta adecuada
Evaluación de la técnica de enfermería
Solución de problemas de enfermería
Apoyo a la lactancia materna, lactancia materna, biberón o métodos mixtos
Visita de seguimiento:
1-2 horas en casa evaluación
Seguimiento de las medidas de resultado (p. ej., peso del bebé, mejora del daño del pezón) determinadas en la evaluación inicial
Asistencia por teléfono, mensaje de texto y correo electrónico:
Todas las preguntas se responden en 24 horas.
3 semanas de acceso por teléfono, mensaje de texto o correo electrónico
Costo: $ 350
Visitas a la Carta(añadir en visitas)
Control de peso del bebé: visita de 30 minutos. Costo: $75
Seguimiento Dirigido: visita de 1 hora. Costo: $200
Conozca a la partera
Serena Saeed Winnes la partera principal en el Proyecto KAZ y tiene los siguientes títulos y experiencias:
Enfermera Partera Certificada (CNM)
Enfermera especializada en salud de la mujer (WHNP)
Consultora de lactancia certificada por la junta internacional (IBCLC)
Enfermera registrada (RN)
14 años como partera
Madre de 3
madre de gemelos
Proyectos en los que ha estado involucrada:
Instructora del programa de partería de la UCSF
El programa educativo del Proyecto KAZ (antes MOMumental)
Educación del cliente y capacitación del personal del Programa prenatal para personas sin hogar
Bloom, programa de educación sexual
Centro Comunitario de Compañeros de Nacimiento - doula mentora y miembro de la junta
Bridges to Patient Empowerment- miembro de la junta
Servicios completos de obstetricia del centro de partos de San Francisco
Práctica de partería de CPMC Mission Bernal: partería de alcance completo
Sage Femme Birth Center- midwifery de alcance completo